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For you and your customers

Keeping everyone safe during Coronavirus/Covid19 is now every business’ top priority

That’s why Another Angle have created a collection for your personal and business needs in accordance with Government guidelines to operate safely, implement social distancing and adapt to COVID-19 health guidance

Another Angle have curated specialised selections below to support specific industry types, so you know exactly what your individual business needs

Beauty, Gym & Leisure

Hairdressers, beauty therapists, gyms, exercise classes, and other well-being establishments will soon see their customers flocking back. 
Reassure your clientele by putting the appropriate measures in place so your staff and customers enjoy them safely.

Construction & Manufacturing

Construction and manufacturing sites are required to meet social distancing guidelines to keep businesses and the economy moving safely. Meet the challenge of keeping your staff operating safely 2 metres apart whilst handling goods, equipment and materials with care, will be the main message for your Coronavirus signage.

High Street Retail & Estate Agencies

Ensure your customers and staff are protected, reassured and abiding by social distancing measures in your shop with Coronavirus signage keeping health and safety at the forefront. Look at everything your shop will need to ensure customers are moving through your premises safely.

Food, Restaurant & Takeaway

Serving or preparing food whether establishment or takeway will always require hygiene signage, but now it's even more importantant to ensure hungry diners know you are taking steps for them to enjoy meals safely so they come back for more. So take a look at everything cafes, takeways, and restaurants will need to keep serving the food customers love whilst adhering to social distancing measures.

Schools, Education & Childminding

New measures will be put in place to keep students and teachers safe as schools start to reopen.
Educating children/adults about hand-washing and keeping families in the loop with operating hours will be key.
See the recommended signage to keep educational facilities safe from COVID-19 here.

Religion & Faith

Whatever the faith, when churches, mosques, and other religious establishments resume services for worship, specific advice will need to be given to allow gatherings to resume. In the meantime, you can prepare in advance with these options.
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